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A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Meditation Practice

In a world saturated with incessant information and endless scrolling, our senses find themselves constantly overstimulated on both conscious and subconscious levels. Amidst this digital chaos, the practice of meditation helps us to cultivate tranquility and set our priorities straight. Through meditation, one instills enduring benefits into their lives: lowering stress levels, enhancing focus, cultivating self-love and even rewiring our brains.

Scientific studies have shown that engaging in meditation and mindfulness practices can have profound effects on the brain's neuroplasticity, meaning that you can induce structural changes in neural pathways, fostering the growth of new connections and enhancing cognitive function. Meditation is not only linked to improve mental clarity and emotional resilience but also contributes to the promotion of well-being and longevity. The cultivation of a meditation practice is a powerful tool and a transformative practice.

Just as mastering an asana practice requires dedication and patience, meditation follows a similar path of cultivation. Contrary to the serene portrayals often seen on Instagram, where individuals effortlessly meditate on mountain peaks in a perfect lotus pose, the reality is that meditation is a journey of practice and progress.
Was it comfortable and easy the first time you sat crossed legged or were told to do a downward facing dog? Probably not. It’s the same with meditation.
Sitting in silence can be one of the most challenging things, it can be daunting in the beginning but it gets easier with practice and patience. In our fast-paced lives, creating moments for reflection and turning inward is increasingly essential to stay connected to our dreams, visions and purpose.

The most important part of starting a new practice is consistency. Select a designated time each day and commit to it.. Mornings are particularly advantageous as the mind is still awakening, making it easier to settle into the quietude. Pick a space in your house that you will solely dedicate to meditate, it can be on the floor, the couch, your yoga mat or a chair and get comfortable. I like to layer up, especially on chilly mornings. Once you have arrived in your space you don’t need anything else, just your body, your breath and presence. As you step into your chosen space, the only essentials are your body, your breath, and your presence. You can work yourself up to 20 minutes, but even starting with five minutes of meditation everyday is wonderful. Set a timer that way your mind is not worrying about it.
Starting with a modest five-minute daily session can be immensely beneficial, gradually extending it to 20 minutes if desired. Set a timer to alleviate any concerns, allowing your mind to fully engage in the practice without distraction. Sit up with your spine straight and your chest in line with your pelvis, heart open, this way you allow the breath to fully oxygenate your body. Focus on your breath and allow it to anchor you over and over again. You will find some days are easier than others, and that is okay, because this is the practice to come back to the present moment by moment, again and again. This is the practice. 

Below are 8 tips to help you get started in your journey

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1.Create a Sacred Space: Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. This could be a corner in your room, a cozy chair, or your yoga mat. Bring some objects that are sacred and important to you, could be a photo, a stone, a prayer, anything that helps you anchor in that space of sacredness. Light up an incense or diffuse essential oil to stimulate your olfactory system. The key is to create an environment that feels serene and inviting.

2.Set an Intention: Setting an intention before meditating serves as a guiding light for the practice. Setting an intention provides purpose and focus to the journey within. It acts as a compass for the mind, directing thoughts and energy toward a specific aim, whether it be cultivating inner peace, gratitude, or love. 

3.Pick a time: and commit to it each day: Consistency is key when it comes to meditation. Set aside a specific time each day for your practice. Whether it's in the morning to start your day on a positive note or in the evening to unwind, having a routine helps integrate meditation into your daily life.

4. Set a realistic goal: Start with realistic expectations. Meditation is a skill that develops over time. Begin with short sessions, say 5-10 minutes, and gradually extend the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

5. Set a timer: this will help you quiet your mind, manage your time effectively and you won’t have to worry about checking your phone every other minute to know when you have completed the meditation.

6. Focus on your breath: our mind is constantly thinking about events in the past, present, future or that have not or will never happen. This is the nature of the human mind. When you sit comfortable and close your eyes, focus on your breath and observe it as it naturally flows in and out of your nose. When you catch your mind wandering, again be gentle and kind with yourself and focus on your breath and redirect your attention.

7. Be patient and kind to yourself: Meditation is not about achieving perfection or complete mental stillness. It's about acknowledging the thoughts that arise without judgment and gently redirecting your attention. Be patient with yourself and embrace the learning process.

7. Utilize Resources: take advantage of the wealth of resources available for meditation beginners. There are countless apps, guided meditation videos, and podcasts that can provide helpful guidance and support as you establish your practice.

8. Celebrate the small wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories along your meditation journey. Whether it's successfully sitting for a few extra minutes or experiencing a moment of mental clarity, these achievements contribute to your overall progress.

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"The next message you need is always right where you are” 

Ram Dass